Oh. My. Goodness. It's been a long time since I've written on here! So... What have I been up to lately?
Well, a decent amount. Job Searching (Fun! not really), belly dance class with my cousin (really fun), seeing an therapist who is helping me learn to take joy and pride in the process of life instead of just the results, dieting and going to the gym (and losing 12 #'s!), and finished up my garden!
Here's some good gardening pics:

Those zucchinis were HUGE!

My cherry tomatoes were as tall as me! The neighbors said they were the best on the block!

There are those monstrous zucchinis again!

I remember walking out to the garden one day after working about 5 days in a row. I didn't have time over those days tend to my garden, and to my amazement/horror, BOTH of these zucchinis were in there! they were about the size of my forearm.... Obviously smaller zucchinis are better, and this was INSANE, but it was fun to see how quickly these buggers grew!
My boyfriend and I also went up north this summer and had a lot of fun! We went to Tettegouche State Park and Palisade Head.

This is me at Palisade Head with a blueberry. This morning we had camped out on the beach on the lake and woke up to a beautiful sunrise. We drove up to Palisade Head after breakfast, ascended a narrow, one lane road that wound through a thick forest and climbed monstrous hills and slopes that bulged out of the side of the headland. Palisade Head is basically a giant rock that hangs out over Lake Superior. On this particular day, the hillsides were much warmer than the lake, and in the distance of this picture, you can see the dense fog over the lake. Gusts of wind brought the cool fog up onto the hillside, quietly bringing a refreshing relief from the oppressing heat.

It was absolutely breathtaking.
I also went to a Twins/Detroit Tigers Game at the new Twins Stadium. That was a fantastic experience! I loved the new stadium.

And my man and I both cut all of our hair off. He had dreds half way down his back, and my hair was about the same length, though normal...

It was muuuuch longer before...

Well, I think that's all for now, but tomorrow I will have a new recipe for you!
Peace Out!
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